Hey friends! I like making stuff. But the pandemic has made me very bad at making stuff. So, whenever I manage to make things, I'm gonna try to post them here!
I doodled this little guy while I was eating goldfish a couple weeks ago, and i though he was cute so I decided I would try digitizing it. I originally just had a digital drawing of my inital doodle (pictured on the right), but I decided I wanted to try some different stuff out. The name Fool's Goldfish is dumb and was the first thing I though of but also I think it's dumb in a fun way. I actually forgot I called it that until I went to make this post, as the 0riginal photo I used had the title cropped out. I might have put the title in there somewhere if I had remembered, but also maybe not. I'm not much of a calligrapher and FireAlpaca's text manipulation is frustrating, so I probably would have tried then given up.
I have alway really like collage art so this was kinda me stepping my toes into it. I actually did do some back in 2017-2018, but I've really lost my touch with it. Really, my digital art skills have been going rapidly downhill since high school. I would love to get back to where I was at the time. I actually ordered a little irl collage kit so maybe doing it with my hands will be a good kickstarter. Maybe I'll re-download GIMP. Well. maybe I won't. I don't know if I have the strength to re-learn GIMP.
So yes! I like hos this came out for the most part! I really like making art with bright colours, so that's definitely a plus. The grass and gingham background was reall a last minute decision. I tried drawing a table for the bowl to sit on, but it never quite looked right. So then I tried to find an irl photo to place it in to match the surreal vibe, but nothing looked right. I then just started trying out different backgrounds and liked that combo the best.
I doubt this is a particularily unique concept. I haven't checked, but I am definitely not the first person to place a goldfish cracker and a real goldfish (or in this case, a cartoon one) in the same image. But eh, nothing is original anymore.
I do worry that this could be interpreted as me depicting the fact that there are a lot of fake people in the world >:( and that I think I am a real goldfish while the normies are fake ones. That is really not what I was going for. I did not have a reflection of society in mind when I drew this. I just wanted to draw goldfish. However I do have to respect Death of the Author to an extent, so I suppose I can't stop you from projecting whatever meaning you want onto this. That's art, baby!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this image of fish, I do. As usual, send any comments to hoaxgirl2000@gmail.com xoxo